2015-05-06 15:15:43 UTC
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I would like to obtain the 3D charge density of a water molecule for plotting purposes (i.e. not necessarily super-accurate). I know this is a tough problem, but I'd like to give it a try. Since I'm currently using python, I've identified PyQuante and PySCF, and gather that I should learn how to run density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Before I do that, I'd like to find out if there is something else out there I should use instead. Multiple suggestions are welcome.

I've installed PyQuante, which according to it's README.txt may be more accessible to understanding.

For example, the color plots in this answer give a hint of what I'm talking about, though I'll ultimately plot the field strength contours and some electric field lines.

I'd like to obtain a large table of values (or expressions/expansions?), so I can create and work with surfaces and field line plots myself.

Additionally is it possible that there exist supplementary data in published articles. Where I might find that? Although this is about existing data, I actually do plan on putting in the time to have at least a minimal understanding of the calculation itself. If DFT is it, then I will be spending time studying that.

五 答案:
Jan Jensen
2015-05-06 16:03:40 UTC
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Two suggestions: MolCalc: Calculate Properties > Polarity and Solvation gives you a 3D surface plot with the electrostatic potential superimposed.

Another suggestion is Avogadro/GAMESS/MacMolPlt. See for example here

Qiming Sun
2015-07-03 11:40:37 UTC
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在最新的Pyscf alpha 2版本中,腳本pyscf / tools / cubegen.py已被使用。添加以生成高斯立方體文件格式。在我的linux框中,密度在Jmol中看起來不錯。您可以以它為例來生成其他 Jmol格式

好的,我來看看@qiming-sun。它當前是否可以進行DFT(以及HF?)?這可能讓我感到頭疼-當我在文檔中看到`mol.light_speed = 137.035989`(1 /精細結構)時,我認為它可能適合已經有經驗的人。
我應該指出,我想要的是電荷分佈(或場),以便我自己進行繪圖。 @qiming-sun,我需要物理部分-我想自己做圖形/顯示部分。謝謝!
Burak Ulgut
2015-05-06 15:35:25 UTC
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如果您不想真正學習這些計算,而只需要等高線圖,則可以使用 Arguslab


Klaus-Dieter Warzecha
2015-05-07 11:08:38 UTC
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  • 使用分子的坐標和要執行的計算命令來生成輸入文件

  • 運行計算

  • 後處理結果




Pu Zhang
2015-05-06 19:34:39 UTC
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If you only need the electron density distribution of a water molecule, it doesn't make much sense for you to leanr DFT method. Although I don't think there will be such data out there, it's pretty easy to run such a calculation for people who do DFT calculation regularly. It will take several minutes. My suggestion is that you find someone to help you with the calculation. The calculation could give you the data describing electron density in the 3D space. Then you can play with the data by yourself.

您好@Pu Zhang,謝謝您的評論。我認為學習新事物總是有意義的。儘管我很感謝您的觀點,並且毫無疑問地*真正*學習DFT需要花費大量時間,但是我使用輸出時會感到很有趣,而至少沒有粗略的理解。

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